Leftover Treasures Warehouse (Old Yoshi Now Building) Saturday Only 9am to 1pm
648 Broadway Street Fresno, Ca 93721

Saturday ONLY 

648 Broadway Street | Fresno, Ca 93721

Look for “Estate Sale” street signs. Please do not park in front of Driveways or Mailboxes.

    • Saturday Hours: 10am to 1pm

WE DO NOT DISCLOSE OR REVEAL PRICES prior to our events. To participate you must be present. All prices are negotiable.



FREE! GATED PARKING LOT! Direct access to our location. Please use the gate entrance located on Mono Street.



Another in person sale at our downtown location. In addition to items for sale you will be able to preview and inspect 3 other online auctions at this location.

Thank you for reading.


for more upcoming sales visit:


Brief list on items to be sold:

We accept: Cash is preferred,

(5% Fee) Major Credit/Debit Cards + Cash App, Afterpay, Venmo, Apple/Google Pay (you must have the tap to pay feature enable on your device!) NO FEE for email subscribers, must show recent email.

All prices include sales tax

All Sales are final. No returns, No refunds allowed. Please inspect and test prior to purchasing.

No Public Restrooms

Leftover Treasures, Its Clients, Realtors, Brokers & Associates: Hereby hold no responsibility for lost/stolen property or personal injury. By entering/participating in this event/property is at your own risk.


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