r12- wood carved swan, thailand
Winning Bid: $4.49
15% Buyers Premium & Sales Tax added to all Winning Bids. Tax-exempt bidders, check tax exempt box at checkout (show sellers permit at pick up, tax exempt only). All items are sold as used, as-is condition. All items are sold as pictured, and/or otherwise stated, All items are briefly inspected/examined, tested prior to listing. No returns, no refunds, Please see the description below to view important info about this event and process. PICK UP INSTRUCTIONS: Address: 2653 Applegate Ave, Clovis, Ca 93611. 559-691-6100. July 1st, Saturday Only, 2pm to 430pm. No other options are available. ***You are required to find and gather your items, also bring your own loading assistance, boxes, wrapping supplies, tools, etc.*** Verify all items are paid, before pick up begins.
This item has been viewed 239 times
Pick Up Location: 2653 Applegate Ave, Clovis, Ca 93611
Pick Up Date/Time: Saturday 2pm to 430pm